Gift a Share
Community is at the forefront of co-ops. We believe that everyone should be have access to fresh, healthy, local produce. If you are interested in helping us reach our goal of providing access to others, please consider donating a share or part of a share so that we can gift to those in need.
How can I gift a share?
You can either gift a full share to someone specifically or add to our pool of donations. If you would like to gift an entire share, you will provide the name, address, telephone number, and email of the person you are gifting the share to when you click the button below. You can also use our payment plan to purchase a gifted share over time. If you would prefer to gift to our pool, please click below to donate. Once the pool reaches $250, we will donate a share to a community member in need.
Can I nominate a community member in need?
Yes! If you know someone who would love to be a owner/member of the co-op, please email us.
I am not a member of the Co-op, but can I still gift a share?
Yes! You can still gift a share or add to our pool of contributions towards $250.